PermaMatrix®: The Organic Solution for Nutrient-Rich Soil
PermaMatrix® is 100% organic, and begins the process of turning poor, unhealthy dirt into healthy productive soil. It improves nutrient availability to the plant by combining a unique blend of biochar (a type of charcoal or soil carbon) that retains water and provides habitat for soil microbes and mycorrhizae (beneficial fungi), minerals and clean organics (humates). This living soil amendment produces greater yields in garden vegetables and stronger, faster growing plants in the landscape.

PermaMatrix® is applied easily thru hydroseeders and also comes in a granular form that is easy to use. It can be spread over existing soils, or added to a premium potting soil mix used to plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables. PermaMatrix® is applied easily thru hydroseeders and also comes in a granular form that is easy to use. It can be spread over existing soils, or added to a premium potting soil mix used to plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Perma Matrix® improves the performance of even the “best” soil in the garden, or challenging soils in restoration projects. improves the performance of even the “best” soil in the garden, or challenging soils in restoration projects.

Discover PermaMatrix®: Your Wetland’s Secret Weapon
PermaMatrix® has been tested extensively and proven to restore virtually any depleted soil environment back to a state whereby plants can thrive and crops actually contain much higher mineral and vitamin content. This, in turn, has an impact on the performance of plants and those who use this product – all 100% natural and organic – approved for use in wetlands and stream banks. No chemicals, no synthetics.
PermaMatrix®: The Permaculture-Inspired Soil Amendment
PermaMatrix® is a blend of pure organics and recycled materials for use in all created wetlands and bio-filtration swales to improve the performance of the native plant communities without fear of contamination of sensitive waterways! PermaMatrix®stems from two words- permaculture and matrix. Permaculture, or permanent agriculture, is an approach to designing perennial agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecologies. Matrix, a group of things that create another, refers to a biological material where specialized structures are formed or embedded. Today there is a belief that humans must give plants nutrients for them to prosper. In reality, plants are designed to feed themselves through the recycling of their own biomass. With the optimum rhizosphere, no artificial fertilization is necessary. PermaMatrix® Biotic Soil Amendment Combines carbon based fiber, superior organics, micro-organisms, beneficial fungi, water holding materials, and many other soil-like components together to create a growing medium that is not only optimal for plant growth but creates a permanent and healthy growing environment for plants. It is also excellent for poor soils that need an organic additive and for slopes and channels where you need to dramatically boost the organic content of your subsoil.
Enhance Plant Growth with PermaMatrix®
PermaMatrix® is a new way of thinking, developing the optimum rhizosphere for plant growth using mother natures components. It is superior in composition for creating sustainable function in soils. It performs a superior function to typical composts/topsoil installations, as it does not require the traditional volume based application. Application rates are based on the correct microbial and mycorrhizae counts, along with the organic carbon based components that will re-establish the natural biological function of a disturbed site. PermaMatrix® provides soil microorganisms that are needed to change nutrients through bacterial action into forms that the plants can use. PermaMatrix® promotes nutrient cycling over a long period of time. The combination of organics, fiber, and micro nutrients provide nitrogen and trace elements to soils. As the plants cycle thru their life cycle the produced biomass is broken down by the microbes and recycled into humus. This creates new organics that are converted for the sustained use of the vegetation.
About Us
In 1987 Rocky Mountain Bio Products started with one organic product called “Biosol”, a natural organic product. Over several years we slowly added other high quality products to our product line. Biosol Forte was added as an economical alternative to Biosol, while producing the same great results. Earthgreen’s Menefee Humate, a micro nutrient and trace element product, was added to allow us to supply these important micro nutrients for those plant and soils that need it.