Environmental – Erosion Control When you really need to control erosion and waste-water challenges, field tests have proven Chemstar’s line of starch-derived environmental control products to be more effective than any other natural or synthetic products on the market. Chemstar’s starch-based tackifiers hold soils, seed and mulch in place to maximize seed germination resulting in a cost-effective erosion control plan for city, state and federal agencies. What’s more, these starch-based products are grown in the Upper Midwest – with a stable price point to help you make accurate, dependable budget forecasts. Choose from any of the following all-natural, cost-effective Chemstar products created especially for the environmental industry.
One of the most cost effective, environmentally safe tackifiers on the market. Manufactured from 100% all natural agricultural product, StarTak 100/600 is safe for the environment and personnel. All Chemstar products are Made in the USA for quick distribution and a more cost-efficient means of controlling erosion during seed germination and plant establishment. With StarTak 100/600, you get a high-performance, environmentally-friendly organic tackifier that has rapidly set a new standard of excellence for soil stabilization. In addition, it can be used with confidence as a:
- Temporary slope stabilizer during construction
- Post fire slope stabilizer/revegetation tackifier
- Hydroseeding tackifier
- Straw/Hay overspray binder
- Dust Control Agent
StarTak® Series
Our StarTak line of starch-derived products is proven to be more effective than any other natural or synthetic tackifier agents on the market. These 100% naturally derived products provide you with:

High Mixing Ratios
StarTak’s higher solid loading rate means consistently accurate application without repetition. More bags per load results in fewer truck refills and minimal mixing times.

Superior Moisture Retention
Seeds germinate faster, with less irrigation, thanks to hydrophilic organic polymers.

StarTak® Series
StarTak products contain between 6 and 8 % protein, a natural source of life-enhancing nitrogen. Moreover, these tackifier agents act as a slow release fertilizer, boosting seed germination and plant establishment rates.
About Us
In 1987 Rocky Mountain Bio Products started with one organic product called “Biosol”, a natural organic product. Over several years we slowly added other high quality products to our product line. Biosol Forte was added as an economical alternative to Biosol, while producing the same great results. Earthgreen’s Menefee Humate, a micro nutrient and trace element product, was added to allow us to supply these important micro nutrients for those plant and soils that need it.